Join the forum

As a starting point, we recommend joining our forum because it’s a great way to get to know our community.

The forum is a space for you to share and receive the support of our community of over 5,000 Catholic mothers from across the country. Here, you can ask real questions and hear what has worked for other mothers.

You can ask practical questions about motherhood and for advice with difficult faith situations or just share significant family-life events. The forum is also a space for people to ask for prayers and for us to hold each other in prayer.

What people say about our forum

‘This is my favourite Catholic Facebook group. You guys do a brilliant job adminning it so that it is faithful but also kind and people are so supportive and helpful.’



‘This Facebook group has supported me in my faith and helped me to better organise my life with God at the centre.



Join a group

Looking for something local? Our groups provide regular fellowship for Catholic mothers, hosted in homes across the UK.

Explore our shop

Our shop is full of great books, resources and apparel, for kids, mothers and the whole family - there’s something for everyone!

How can we help?

We are totally available to newcomers! If we can help you with anything or answer any of your questions, just send us a message.


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